Putt Physics Calculation 09: Aiming Direction Displacement


Hey there! In my last article, I talked about the elevation line and how it relates to the Lespaul🎸. But today, let’s dive deeper into its role in actual golf scenes. When you’re on the green and trying to sink a putt, you first choose your elevation line and calculate the Lespaul you need.

See figure.


But wait, there’s a problem! As the slope of the green gets steeper, the Lespaul calculation may not always result in a successful putt. Take a look at this diagram: when the distance is 5m and the slope is 3°, there’s a discrepancy of about 147cm between the calculated Lespaul and the actual cup position.

Of course, it’s not just about considering distance and slope alone. You also have to pay attention to the trajectory of the ball. When the green is steep, it becomes more challenging to calculate the correct Lespaul, especially on uphill slopes.

So, if the calculated Lespaul doesn’t align with the trajectory you want, you need to recalculate. That’s where the “Putt Physics” app comes in. It has a function that allows you to recalculate by double-clicking the ball’s initial position, giving you the correct line to sink the putt. Here’s an example of what the orange line looks like:

While Lespauls are special and unique, they can’t always be a single point when the slope is too steep, and multiple points are needed depending on the ball’s position. We’re working on a solution to this problem, but in the meantime, the “Putt Physics” app’s recalculation feature has got your back! So if you feel like the ball won’t sink, just double-click and let the app correct your calculations. Voila, orange line to the rescue!

Overall, golf is a challenging sport that requires both skill and technology to conquer. But with the right tools and a bit of humor, you’ll be sinking putts like a pro in no time!

